They carry their torch wherever they go and illuminate the way forward.

SaLuSa 18-February-2011


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Matthew Ward on the Recent Allegations Against the President by Steve Beckow

Matthew Ward on the Recent Allegations Against the President

2011 June 28
by Steve Beckow
Matthew Ward has also given his opinion on the Rinks’ video that alleges that the President stole $400 billion and committed other crimes. Matthew’s opinion is most welcome.

“Repeatedly I have described Obama’s highly-evolved soul status, spiritual and moral integrity, purpose and intention to help create a peaceful world, and both Hatonn and I have spoken about the powerful and relentless forces Obama has been up against all along.

“With the light intensity in this energy plane Earth has reached, people who are light-receptive know which information about him is the truth and which isn’t; people who have not responded to the light will believe the lies and won’t be convinced otherwise by any additional comments from either Hatonn or me.” (Matthew Ward through Suzy Ward to Russ Michael, June 28, 2011.

A lot of people have written and said they are flagging in supporting the President.  Some have written and said that they don’t trust him a bit. But notice that neither the galactics as represented by SaLuSa and Hatonn nor the spirit side as represented by Matthew have retreated an inch from their support of the President.

They have at their command resources for knowing that are unavailable to us and I trust their opinion. So please realize that the dark are working as hard as they can to undo the President’s work and the greatest contribution we can make is to discount the fantastic rumors that are circulating, from people like Rinks.

If next week, you hear that the President presided at a Satanic ritual at the White House or consumed a baby’s blood, will you believe it? I heard you answer “no.”  Good. I can relax on the matter.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

SaLuSa Responds to Allegations Against President Obama by Steve Beckow

SaLuSa Responds to Allegations Against President Obama

2011 June 28

by Steve Beckow

This is very unusual. Russ Michael was also distressed to see the allegations that James Rinks put out against President Obama. (1) Russ has taken a number of steps to discover what the situation is.

Here he reports on writing Mike Quinsey and asking him to ask SaLuSa about the matter. Mike generally doesn’t ask SaLuSa questions so this is unusual, as far as I’m concerned. But on this occasion, SaLuSa did respond and his answer is that the Rinks charges are disinformation.  Russ’s letter and Mike’s response are attached below.

The more general matter is this. The cabal wants President Obama emasculated. They are doing everything in their power to tear him down and defeat every plank of his legislative program. That’s too bad, because part of that is denying Americans the blessings of universal medicare. What a shame.

We as lightworkers can sometimes act at a level below consciousness on the premise that where there’s smoke there’s fire. All the criticism of President Obama must mean something, we conclude. But it does not.

In my opinion, Lightworkers are being manipulated and I oppose it. Yes, President Obama may have chosen an unwise course by going along with the “bin Laden is dead” subterfuge, but overall he represents the Light and is here, along with others, to lead us into the New Age. I personally am not joining the wave of criticism against the President, no matter who it comes from. In my opinion, it originates with the dark.

Some people have accused me of censoring the news thereby. Give me a break. Disinformation is not news. Disinformation destroys the credibility of news. I’m interested in the truth and the slanders against Obama are not that.

Last rant: Disinformation has never been more rampant than it is now. Fukushima stories are being churned out while the galactics say that they are containing the damage.  Stories circulate that a nuclear bomb was used to destroy Japan while the galactics say that no nuclear bombs can be exploded (except some test bombs apparently) on the planet or in space.

(1) This site will not be posting disinformational articles or articles intended to create fear. (2) This site accepts as credible the testimony of sources like Matthew Ward, SaLuSa, the Arcturian Group, etc.  They are an integral part of our informational process and are in fact the major contribution this site makes to contemporary discussion. If they do not seem credible to you, why read this site?

So to repeat: The allegations that President Obama tried to steal $400 billion and other charges made by James Rinks in the third part of his series entitled “Change is on the Horizon” are not accurate. Please do not allow them to make an impact on you.

Thanks to Russ for digging into this and Mike for asking SaLuSa.

Michael Quinsey wrote:

Hi Russ,

I have put out a mental request to SaLuSa, and asked the question for a response to the criticism of Obama. I have given below what I received.

Mike Quinsey.

SaluSa says:

“If you find that you cannot trust a source of information, then set it aside and trust in those that you have faith in. Most messages of disinformation also include some truths, which makes them more difficult to understand.

“You have been informed from a number sources already that President Obama is the one chosen to lead you through the coming period.

“His work cannot fully commence until the restraints upon him are removed so bear in mind that he is under much pressure to follow the advice he is being given.

“You will see the real man and exalted soul that he is come to the fore when he is able to fully express himself as a Being of Light.”



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Believing is Seeing by Steve Beckow

Believing is Seeing

2011 June 14
by Steve Beckow

When we meet the extraterrestrial civilizations who’ve been invited here to assist us in

Or that?
overturning the dark and accomplishing Ascension, we won’t meet them newly. We’ll meet them carrying the baggage that attaches to them from our culture – namely, our existing words for and pictures of them. So I’d like to spend a moment considering how language and pictures impact us.

Our language influences how we see and understand everything. For instance, we use the word “aliens” to understand extraterrestrials.  In a commonsensical definition, “aliens” means “not from here.”  If we’ve been conditioned to be xenophoobic or to fear strangers, and many Westerners have been by the Illuminati, then the word “aliens” carries a sinister and fearsome set of connotations.

But extraterrestrials from some planets will tell us that (1) we are also not from here and (2) many of them are our ancestors and so, in a manner of speaking (and “manner of speaking” is everything), are more “from here” than we are. But this understanding will probably be clouded by the word “aliens.”

Edward Sapir was a brilliant linguist who helped us see the manner in which our language determined our thoughts. In 1929, he wrote:

“Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication or reflection.”

Our simplest acts are shaped by out language-based thoughts.

“Even comparatively simple acts of perception are very much more at the mercy of the social patterns called words than we might suppose. …We see and hear and otherwise experience very largely as we do because the language habits of our community predispose certain choices of interpretation.”

We don’t see the world as it is but as we think it is and speak about it. And we think as well as talk in words.

“The fact of the matter is that the ‘real world’ is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group. No two languages are ever sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct worlds, not merely the same worlds with different labels attached.”

Later, Benjamin Lee Whorf added to our understanding of how language shapes perception and understanding. He advised us that:

“We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native languages. The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions which has to be organized by our minds–and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds.”

“No individual is free to describe nature with absolute impartiality but is constrained to certain modes of interpretation even while he thinks himself most free.”

If our language assigns negative words to extraterrestrials, like “aliens” or “space invaders,” then we’ll be preconditioned and set up to see extraterrestrials in a negative way. If it assigns positive terms to them, such as “space family” or “universal brothers and sisters,” then we’ll be set up to see them in a positive way. Matthew Ward has done a lot of work especially to try to set up a positive manner of thinking about our “space family.”

Having said that, the same could also be said about our use of pictures. How the propagators and disseminators of our cultural understandings, which until now have been predominantly influenced or controlled by a global elite with dark designs, depict people sets up our attitude towards them, as this depiction of President Obama (below) illustrates. Notice that, as well as being given the Joker’s face, a black hat character in Batman movies, the artist throws in the word “Socialism” for good measure, which is a trigger word for many Americans.

Again the addition of the word “Socialism” is an illustration of how words shape perception. After all, the word “Socialism” is just a word but we can watch in ourselves what reaction it calls up. It is not neutral in valence among many contemporary Americans and it is not used for any neutrality in valence but for the negative connotations that it’s been invested with,

Here is an example of a picture with a positive valence. Every politician seems to want to be photographed against the background of the flag, in the hopes perhaps that the swell of patriotism that greets the sight will rub off on us. Here’s the obligatory shot of Obama, cleanly barbered and dressed in the mandatory suit and tie, designed to warm our hearts as well with love of country.

To illustrate how our emotions are triggered by various illustrations, let me offer some controversial shots or artistic renderings and invite you to watch how you feel as your eyes land on each. These illustrate how our first sight of or “first contact” with extraterrestrials  will not find us in a neutral space, but already triggered by various pre-existing positive and neutral valences from our understanding or what we call “conditioning.” This conditioning, in many cases, will be what we need to overcome if we have any hope of meeting the galactics on their own terms or even in a positive light, if that can be achieved. Certainly we lightworkers will be aiming for the latter.

How did each of these photographs or artistic depictions make you feel? You can bet your boots that the dark will be drawing on every reactivating image and description that they can lay their hands on. And how we felt here is the kind of automatic emotional reaction we’ll have to contend with.

I could go on and review the various movies that have been created, some to offer a negative representation of extraterrestrials such as Independence Day or The War of the Worlds and some to give a positive view such as ET or Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

There are several problems that our conditioning present to us. The first is that our conditioning exists below conscious thought. It is beyond the reach of choice. Our subconscious throws up pictures without consulting us.

The second is that we tend automatically to get behind what the subconscious throws up. We don’t say “I am not my thoughts” or “I am not that picture.”  We tend to assume that we are indeed our thoughts and pictures, get behind them, see life through their lenses,  and allow ourselves to be manipulated by them. We are unsophisticated in our response to what the subconscious throws up.
The third is that we have no easily-understood manner in which to stand in the face of the impressions our subconscious throws up. I use the upset clearing process, which is detailed in the section of the righthand column called “Preparing for Ascension,” to stand in the face of subconscious impressions, a process that is based on “being with” impressions until they pass. But most people are unfamiliar with how to deal with them. They tend to wrestle with them, if they see any need at all not to allow themselves to be used by these impressions. But wrestling with them only causes their persistence (“What we resist persists” – Werner Erhard).

So we have our work cut out for us once Disclosure opens up a new chapter in our lives and our civilization’s history. We’ll need to confront our commonsensical notions, our conditioning, our linguistic ways of seeing and understanding, our photo album of pictures – everything we’ve been told or have seen may stand in the way of our understanding of what stands before us.

There is much work to do to be able to remain calm and open to what will meet our eyes then.



Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Preparing for Ascension by Steve Beckow The 2012 Scenario

Preparing for Ascension

by Steve Beckow 

Leaving aside for the moment what may or may not be happening in the outer world, I think we can discern a sea change in what both channeled sources and commentators are currently focusing on.

Fewer are the discussions of awakening, of Ascensionitis, and of the need to complete old business. The discussions of disclosure remain at a constant level. But increasing are the discussions of preparing for Ascension.  The date most commonly associated with Ascension - Dec. 21, 2012 - is now only one and a half years away.

How can we think about preparing for Ascension so that we can maximize our awareness of what we're already doing? Rather than approaching the subject as one that we somehow need to learn from scratch, can we discuss it so that we simply shift focus from things we need to take up newly, to things we are already doing and perhaps need to emphasize or focus on more or perhaps stop?

For instance, most people are already engaging in spiritual practices. Most engage in some form of charity or selfless service. They spend quiet, contemplative time with a book or other reading. Some even may meditate. Increasing the time we spend in spiritual practice is one way, I think, that we can prepare for Ascension.

Most people already engage in growth work. Many take courses in communication, relationship, cooperation, social action, leadership, etc. Increasing the time we spend in working on our own personal growth and our growth as a couple or a family is another way, I think we can prepare for Ascension.

We all connect with people, if even in a superficial way. We all feel united with others at times, if even through sports or elections. We all feel love, if even for our friends and relatives only. These are examples of three things which we already do and feel, which can be expanded now, infinitely in fact, as preparation for Ascension.

One of the books I mentioned that I wrote which sits out in the garage and will never see the light of day was on predatory capitalism – all the notions we had back in the last century of how we must outcompete other nations, drive them into the ground, win and defend market share, etc. That is an example of a point of view that we can now afford to let lapse, as preparation for Ascension.  Just let it fall away. Give it no more energy. Surely that does not take much "doing."

Another point of view that we can let slip from our grasp is the “war on terrorism.” Let's face it. It was our own governments who predominantly played the role of terrorists and caused incidents like 9/11, the London, Madrid, and Oklahoma City bombings, and so on. It's time to stop kidding ourselves. The TSA's groping searches, the Homeland Security terror alerts, the focus on "Al-Qaeda," and all the other panoply of deceptive “anti-terrorist” ploys are simply manipulations and it's time to drop them all.  There was no "war on terror." There was only the deception of us, headed for martial law, FEMA camps, and a New World Order. We can now afford to drop our emphasis on "anti-terrorism."

Another manipulation is variously called “the American dream” or “keeping up with the Joneses.” Never was our energy so crudely channeled into consumerism as through fuelling our common desire to own a home, picket fence, two cars, etc., and to feel that we weren't “keeping up” if we didn't. These are three viewpoints which are examples of what we need give no more energy to. Giving no more energy to them is another example of preparing for Ascension.

Chances are that, as the energies rise, we feel attracted anyways to fanning the flames of the things I mention above that prepare us for Ascension and less drawn to the things that stand between us and preparing for Ascension.

But my point is that we don't have to think that we are faced with a task that is utterly new and foreign to us. We already are, and have been for many years, doing that which prepares us for Ascension and it may be simply a case of us doing more of them, doing them more energetically, and letting go more of things that don't forward our movement towards Ascension.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

SaLuSa's Recent Comments on Disclosure - May/June 2011 by Steve Beckow

 SaLuSa's Recent Comments on Disclosure - May/June 2011

 Steve Beckow 
The 2012 Scenario

Billy Meier meets Semjase
What I'd like to do here is to look at some of the statements that SaLuSa has made during May and June of 2011 about Disclosure. I realize we're all weary of watching the crow's nest and hearing the lookout shout, “Land ahoy!” But SaLuSa encourages us here not simply to remain waiting for the event, but to continue building websites that show what the galactics and their ships look like and in all other ways prepare the ground for a global acceptance of Disclosure.

On May 9, 2011, SaLuSa said that the pressure the Earth allies were applying was paying off. He provided a thorough discussion of what Disclosure would bring about.

“The pressure that our allies have been exerting to bring disclosure out is paying off, and once the facts begin to come out it will soon become an avalanche. After all of this time the people are ready to learn the truth about us, although the more extreme incidents and events surrounding some disclosures will cause considerable shock. It will come from learning that ET’s have been in touch with your governments for some 80 years, and are known to have bases inside the Earth, and on the Moon and Mars. Whereas you have been led to believe otherwise, NASA has removed traces of their existence from photographs and film.

“By all means possible you have been kept ignorant of our presence, and any other civilisation that has attempted to communicate with you. Of course there have been individual contacts that have taken place, but it was hoped by the dark Ones that they would largely be ignored. The time has never been better for the truth to come out, and we are working with our allies to restore freedom of expression amongst your journalists and the news media.” (1)

He suggested that Disclosure was the most important item on the Federation's agenda.

“Everything we talk of now is with regard to preparing the way for our arrival on Earth. It will be the next step in moving you all forward so that working together; we can begin to restore the Earth.” (2)

He next mentioned Disclosure on May 16 and tied his discussion into the need for terraforming, again saying that it wouldn't be too long before the first announcements were forthcoming.

“There is so much happening in your world right now, and the way forward will soon become apparent.

“Once disclosure is announced we must become known to you and enter your lives, as we are essential to the program for clearing up your Earth and putting a stop to further destruction. You cannot do it alone as the tasks are beyond you, particularly in your present state of disruption and chaos.

“Fortunately it can be handled quickly and efficiently once we are able to freely move amongst you. That we must arrange through your representatives, but it must be at a time when the new governmental appointments have already been made. All is proceeding along these lines and it will not be too long before some announcements are made.” (3)

On May 18, 2011, he told us that the galactic activities were increasing. He reminds us that the galactics respect our laws and protocols, unlike the cabal.

“There is much more for you to see as our activities are increasing. Of necessity we draw even closer to Earth as our services are called upon to deal with ecological damage. We keep matters in check ready for when we can come to Earth to finish our work. There are some very big problems that make us desire to come openly as soon as possible, but we stand responsible to higher spiritual forces for our actions.

“We act in unison and in an orderly way that respects your protocol and agreements between countries. We avoid creating problems that might otherwise disrespect the sovereignty of all nations. It is not our place to interfere where you are capable of taking action yourselves. However, we will gladly seek to work with you to go speeding forward to completion.” (4)

On May 20, 2011, he again returned to the subject of Disclosure and reminded us that news of the galactic presence was spreading over the Internet.  He acknowledged our work to publicize the galactic presence. He added that much more of the truth of our history will come out after First Contact.

“All progresses well and our allies are pushing for the disclosure announcement. The facts have been coming out for many years now, but what we need is an official recognition of our presence so that we can introduce the Galactic Federation to you. There are numerous websites on your Internet where you can indulge yourselves in facts about our craft, and these are supported by photographs and even videos. Whether we exist is no longer the question as we have made contact with every major government.
“We want to open up the whole subject, and thus allow debate and discussion as to what has been taking place over the last century. Governments will have to come clean with regard to their own part in suppressing information about us. They will also have to admit to their activities under the guise of allowing their craft to be taken as ours, or groups such as the Greys.” (5)

He reminds us that the galactics' huge motherships could not possibly have come from Earth. He tells us that preparations continue to be needed for Disclosure to be well received.

“It is obvious to any intelligent person that our Mothercraft have not originated from Earth. They are in some cases of such massive size, being several miles long it is common sense that they are coming from other civilizations. There is also the question of the sheer numbers of craft that have been seen on some occasions.

“When you can count around a hundred or more as per the sighting recently in Mexico, you will know for certain that their origin is not from the Earth. The evidence of our presence is so obvious; yet generally speaking your media still hides the truth. We are pleased to say that this situation will not remain the same for much longer. There are many aspects before our appearance that need to come out to prepare people for it.” (6)

A UFO appeared over the Dome of the Rock in 2011

On May 25, 2011, he tells us that Disclosure is near and the Galactics have ways of leaking information to the public, just as the cabal does. He warns us about disinformation designed to confuse us.

“There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak secrets when they feel it is in their interests, but that is sometimes purely for the purpose of preparing you in advance for one of their false flag attacks.

“Needless to say, they also as a matter of course spread disinformation to confuse those who seek the truth. Trust your intuition as by now you should be aware of their tactics, and if you are well informed you will have a good idea of what should be set aside.” (7)

In the same message, he says that the scene is set for Disclosure and the galactics and their Earth allies await the first good opportunity to push ahead with it. He again encourages us to spread knowledge of the galactics to help Disclosure be as widely accepted as possible.

“Currently the scene is set for Disclosure to come out, and our allies are ready to push for the first ideal opportunity to go ahead. So after all of the waiting the event that will 'launch the boat' of revelations about us, is set to sail. Much is already known about us, but for the majority of people our story will cause much astonishment and disbelief.

“However, the truth must come out and cannot be held back any longer, the secrecy and denial about us has gone on for far too long. The more that is known about us, the easier it will be to obtain a general acceptance of our presence. We can then organize the many changes that must take place without further delay.” (8)
On June 1, 2011, he told us that the beginning of the new era will launch us on the road to Ascension and it will all begin with Disclosure.

“You shall see the beginning of a new era that will propel you onto the path that can only lead to Ascension. It has been building up for a long time and very little is required to really get it under way. We shall have a hand in that as you have called upon us for help. We cannot always do as you wish, but in this instance it can be considered as part of our plan. Much work is being carried out to bring matters to a conclusion, and as usual our focus is on disclosure.” (9)

And finally on June 3, he again said that Disclosure was near. He revealed that the cabal are driving them to despair.

“Disclosure is near to happening, and it is becoming difficult for the authorities to hide the truth much longer. The amount of information coming out grows all of the time, and more people are prepared to go public with the knowledge they have.

“Almost every day you are hearing something new that appertains to the changes, so you are clearly being given strong indications of the level of activity involving our allies and us. Most of our work is still going on behind the scenes, and it is not yet the time to reveal too many facts regarding our intentions. It is sufficient to say that we have always given you a broad outline, so that you know the direction in which we are heading.

Depiction of Cdr. Hatonn
“The pressures upon the dark Ones are driving them to despair, as they are unable to prevent their ultimate capitulation and surrender to the Light. Yes Dear Ones, we say the Light because it is the power that you have brought to the planet that is breaking down and transmuting the lower vibrations.” (10)

So again we are told that Disclosure is near, that the galactics and their allies are awaiting the first ideal opportunity to launch it, that the cabal is close to despair and unable to prevent the inevitable. Whether “close,” “near” and “soon” mean this month or next month we cannot judge. But it appears to be in the near offing and our task is to spread the word as broadly as we can, educate the public on the galactics and their ships, and soften the imminent landing, so to speak.


(1) SaLuSa, May 9, 2011 at
(2) SaLuSa, May 9, 2011.
(3) SaLuSa, May 16, 2011.
(4) SaLuSa, May 18, 2011.
(5) SaLuSa, May 20, 2011.
(6) SaLuSa, May 20, 2011.
(7) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.
(8) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011.
(9) SaLuSa, June 1, 2011.
(10) SaLuSa, June 3, 2011.

The Declaration of Human Freedom

The Declaration of Human Freedom

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.

All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.

No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.

Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.

The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found inward.

God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.

No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.

Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.

No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.

Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.

Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.

Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.

All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.

Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.

All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.

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Messages of Love and Light

Messages of Love and Light

Galactic Family and Keshe

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The 2012 Scenario

FEBRUARY 7, 2013 - 7:00PM EST

FEBRUARY 7, 2013 - 7:00PM EST

Profile for Fran Zepeda

オバマが国際刑事裁判所に再加入・・・米国はもはやならず者国家ではない 2012年5月3日

オバマが国際刑事裁判所に再加入・・・米国はもはやならず者国家ではない 2012年5月3日

Qu’est ce qu’être humain? par Steve Beckow