The Galactics Tame the Perfect Storm in “Subtle Disclosure”

Susan Candeotti was telling us around 4:00 a.m. EDT that the traffic light was swinging. She pointed to some water, way over there. Can you see it? Residents are watching for that water to rise.
There. Way down at the end of the street. See?
Ahhh, no. I don’t see it. No, I believe you that there’s some water over there, but….
But how many people will get what I believe really happened, which is that our space family smoothed this one out? (Yes, and we played our role here too.)
I think the galactics told us what was going on. Maybe not on marquees with flashing lights, but quietly and gently. I think this is what Wanderer of the Skies called “a subtle Disclosure”:
We’re not the only ones reading SaLuSa and Wanderer, as the latter reminds us: “These [last remaining cabalistic] groups, now disconnected and operating separately, monitor these channelings to determine what advantage they can take over us.” (2)
The remaining holdouts of the cabal, who were behind, I think, Irene storming up the East Coast to raise fear – the ultimate monster, the perfect storm – faced the galactics’ technology, which again I believe can now be used fully because the deadline for disclosure has passed. Archangel Michael said so in my reading of Aug. 1, 2011:
Just two weeks ago, Wanderer told us that these last holdouts were rogue military groups with fundamentalist persuasions.
SaLuSa tells us that “more facts about us than ever are entering your public arena, and our activities are becoming more known. We allow that as it is time you knew how much we do for you, and in the present times we are quite busy keeping the dark Ones in their place.”
We are at this moment, I believe, watching “how much [they] do for [us].” (9) I’m convinced that, as SaLuSa says, “we are quite busy keeping the dark Ones in their place” – over Chesapeake Bay, Ocean City, and even Broadway.
The days and weeks ahead will show how successful the galactics have been. But the mitigation of Hurricane Irene, a Category 3 storm that was as big as Western Europe, and remained strong at higher levels but was tame as a pussycat on the ground, must stand as one of the clearest and largest indications the galactics have given us that they are our friends and that they stand on guard for us against those who cause us harm.
(1) Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 2, 2011, at Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 10, 2011.
(3) Steve Beckow, “Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011,” Aug. 3, 2011, at
(4) Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 10, 2011.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) SaLuSa, Aug. 17, 2011, at
(8) Wanderer of the Skies, Aug. 10, 2011.
(9) SaLuSa, July 27, 2011.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) SaLuSa, July 25, 2011.
(12) Loc. cit.
The 2012 Scenario
A call for a March of Millions blog