They carry their torch wherever they go and illuminate the way forward.

SaLuSa 18-February-2011


Monday, October 31, 2011

Nov. 11, 2011 is World Freedom Day by Steve Beckow

Nov. 11, 2011 is World Freedom Day

2011 October 30
Posted by Steve Beckow
As a sovereign citizen of Planet Earth, I declare Nov. 11, 2011 to be World Freedom Day.

On 11-11-11, I invite all the people of the world to reclaim whatever freedom and power have been lost to them in all aspects of our common life – politics, economics, education, religion, relationships, medicine, and all other areas.

As a non-violent act of conscious resolve, I ask everyone on Earth to stop whatever they’re doing at 11:11 (local time) on 11-11-11 and spend one minute in silence, not working (unless in emergency services), not consuming, and not distracting ourselves.

Those who safely can I invite to come down to the center of the village, town or city to join with our brothers and sisters everywhere and spend one minute in silence, upon leaving which everyone will utter the simple statement: “This world is free. It has always been free. It will always be free.”

At 11:11 on 11/11/11 we’ll show each other how strong and universal is the desire on Earth to take back our political freedom, economic justice, religious tolerance, racial understanding, social harmony, and global peace. Read Less 

We have no intention of harming anyone in the process of expressing ourselves on this matter. It’s not necessary and it’s not desirable or advisable.  Peace and freedom won by violence does not last. Peace and freedom that leaves residue invites retaliation. We don’t want to leave a residue or invite retaliation. And we don’t need to in order to win back for ourselves our peace, freedom, and harmony.
There’s no need to organize anything for World Freedom Day. There’s no need for leadership of this event. Everyone is a leader of it, an organizer, and a participant. The action at the heart of it, lasting but one minute, will have accomplished its end no matter what the result.  The thought will have been shared by everyone on Earth who knows about it that this world will have its freedom, harmony, and peace restored and will not settle for less.

We’ve Entered a New Age

Whether we know it or not, we’ve entered a new era of human existence. Some call it the New Age; others the Sat Yuga; others the Age of Aquarius. However you refer to it, it’s an age in which humanity will have new economic and financial arrangements, worldwide relief from poverty, labour-saving technology, democratic regimes, racial equality, religious tolerance, and world peace.

Our new world works on the basis of service to others, rather than service to self. It’s a world that honors the peacemaker rather than the warmaker, the compassionate rather than the ruthless, the uniters rather than the dividers.

The 1% of the world who’ve been concentrating wealth and power in their own hands are welcome to join the 99% in building a world that works for everyone, with no one left out. We intend to welcome everyone and to see to the needs of those who suffer, whether from hunger, poverty, illness, age, or disability.

If we are to be poor in this new world, which I don’t believe we will, then let us share that poverty equally.

Ours is a world where Muslim, Christian, Jew and anyone else is is seen as worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven by dint of being a child of God, where people of all ways of life, orientations, hopes, and dreams have the same right to pursue their own wishes, without interference, providing they harm no one else.

It’s a world that no longer tolerates political corruption, financial fraud, environmental sabotage, media censorship, citizen surveillance, and manufactured wars.

It’s a world that serves people not profits, the divine in everyone and not the glitter in society, and the planet as our home and not as a resource to be plundered.

There is no natural obstacle to people everywhere being free. There is no reason why anyone should languish under a political dictatorship or economic slavery.  And there is no reason to accept, any longer, that each individual does not have the right to say how their lives will be run, what they will worship, whom they will befriend or marry, etc.

We’ve reached the stage in the evolution of humanity when we can throw off all chains and restrictions and emancipate the mind and heart.  We’ve reached the stage where we don’t wish any longer to be divided and conquered but to be reunited and reconciled. We’ve reached the stage where we’re ready to forgive what has gone before as long as what has gone before now comes to an end.

Please circulate this call to action to everyone you can reach.

11-11-11 is a day when all of humanity breathes free, knows it is free, and celebrates being free. We are free. We have always been free. We will always be free.

Steve Beckow
Sovereign Citizen of Planet Earth
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
It’s time to set the agenda of peaceful consolidation of the people’s re-assumption of power in the world.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Nederlands - Steve Beckow Michael with Susan S 2011 oktober 18th

Steve Beckow met antwoorden van AEM Michaël   rond 18 oktober 2011 

Via Linda Dillon met Susan S.
AEM Nichaël over waarom verschillende beschouwingen  van Ascentie niet overeenkomen.


Archangel Michael Desktop
Steve Beckow:  Een tijdje terug hadden we Susan J. die een reading met Aartsengel Michaël met ons deelde. Nu is Susan S. hier die haar reading ook met ons deelt.
In dit gedeelte van haar lezing (het persoonlijke stuk is eruit gelaten) vraagt ze Aartsengel Michaël waarom er verschillende datums gegeven zijn voor Ascentie. AEM stelt dat een van de redenen voor Ascentiedatums die later zijn dan 2012 is,  dat deze datums wijzen op Ascenties die naar hogere niveaus gaan of naar een speelruimte van regelingen die gemaakt zijn voor degenen die aanpassingen maken en later bij ons komen. AEM wijst ook op de rol van poortbewaarder waarover we gesproken hebben als een rol van een teruggekeerde meester, die door diegenen op zich zijn genomen die vroeg ascentie maken en terugkeren om de rest van ons te helpen. En hij bespreekt het feit dat er niet alleen maar enkele vroege gelegenheden zijn voor Ascentie “dus in plaats van een die uitvliegt, praten we over miljoenen die uitvliegen, en dat, lieve hart, is goed nieuws.”
Dank voor Susan S. omdat ze die vragen stelde aan de Baas en onze kennis van de situatie verderop daarmee uitbreidt.

Susan S. Nou, ik wil graag een vraag stellen over….  u gaf een commentaar over het om me heen zoeken, waarvan ik denk dat veel van ons doen…
De grote vraag van mij gaat over het buiten kijken/zoeken naar andere bronnen om te bevestigen wat wij denken dat de waarheid is, specifiek over Ascentie. En dit is een pragmatische vraag… in de gemeenschap van lichtwerkers beginnen we te voelen alsof we niet weten wat de waarheid is, dat er diverse boodschappen zijn die gechanneld worden en we proberen de waarheid vast te stellen; gaat Ascentie nu gebeuren in 2012 of gaat die na verloop van tijd  gebeuren, zodat het meer een proces is.
Bijvoorbeeld: De Founders (via Sal Rachele.winny) zeggen dat het in 2012, dan in 2017 en in 2030 gebeuren. Ik weet dat het uiteindelijke antwoord zit in je binnenste, maar er is die  heftige discussie bij lichtwerkers over wanneer Ascentie nu feitelijk gaat gebeuren, en ik denk dat we een last of een verantwoordelijkheid voelen… specifiek ik voel de verantwoordelijkheid om mijn familie mee te nemen; ik probeer ze te overtuigen, maar het zijn individuele zielen die moeten….. die hun eigen pad hebben en ik begrijp dat. Kunt u me helpen begrijpen waarom er zoveel versies zijn in de lichtwerker gemeenschap betreffende Ascentie?
Aartsengel Michaël: Ja, we zijn blij het daarover te hebben.
S: Dank u.
AEM: Laten we beginnen te zeggen dat deze Ascentie, wat iedereen Ascentie noemt, een proces is. En het is een individueel proces, maar het is ook een collectief proces. Dus het is niet iets dat je alleen gaat doen.
Dus kun je erover denken als aan zielengroepen die voor een hele variëteit van redenen er voor kozen om op verschillende tijden te gaan. Het is gewoon hetzelfde, en dat hoeft ook niet beoordeeld te worden, het is gewoon dat mensen eenvoudig voor verschillende vluchten kiezen. En zo simpel is het. Nu, een van de dingen die deze Raad ([van Liefde] …  we gaan nu even je wateren modderig maken…
S: (lacht) OK.
AEM:..  maar het wordt tijd om daarover te praten. Een van de dingen die ook in die mix van verwarring zit, waar die Raad van Liefde altijd over heeft gesproken, is het Ascentie proces naar de 7de dimensie.
Dus jullie zitten in de vierde. Sommigen zitten er half in, of voor de helft erbuiten. Sommigen zitten half in en half buiten de vijfde. Ze hebben inter-dimensionale belevenissen en we willen dat erkennen en op een bepaalde manier zeggen, ja, de frequentie ervan is dramatisch aan het toenemen, maar dat is het geval steeds geweest.
Niet iedereen is altijd helemaal en stevig verankerd in de derde dimensie, anders zouden jullie er niet eens het idee van hebben gehad of deze transcendentie gemerkt hebben.
Er zijn sommigen die bidden en bidden en Ascentie wensen en we zeggen jullie en delen vandaag met jullie wat wij zien, maar zij zijn bang voor: “Wat als het nu niet komt? Wat als het niet in 2012 komt?”
Dus wat wij [het Gezelschap van Licht] doen kunnen is het vooruit schuiven en het tot een toekomstig doel maken omdat de chaos van Aarde en de derde werkelijkheid zo dicht/dense schijnt te zijn zodat het  onvoorstelbaar is.
Maar wat er ook gebeurt is dat iets van dat wat onvoorstelbaar is, gebaseerd is op een begrip van wat er mogelijk is in de derde dimensie; het kan niet ergens anders gebruikt worden.
Andere latere datums wijzen ook op gelegenheden om te ascenderen maar zelfs verderop We stellen voor en stellen dat sterk voor, dat het focus op de huidige gebeurtenissen moeten gehouden worden, als het ware {gelach van AEM en Susan). Maar er is die angst van “wat als”.
Laten we hierover nu ook even heel duidelijk worden, Waarheid Zoeker. We willen op geen enkele manier… omdat er ook die amorfe energie is die bij de vele lichtwerkers is begonnen op te duiken, dat op een of andere manier de derde dimensie minder is dan;  dat is niet zo. Het is gewoon een vorm van werkelijkheid, van de vreugde van stoffelijkheid… ja, andere dimensies voegen er aan toe, voegen eraan toe.
Maar het was nooit bedoeld dat de functie van de derde dimensie de dichtheid was die het heden schijnt te zijn..  dat zijn valse geloofstelsels van de mensen die dit gebouwd hebben totdat ze vorm en functie hebben aangenomen.
Maar het is niet een zaak om uit de derde dimensie te ontsnappen; dat is het plan niet. Het gaat over het laten oplossen van die oude paradigma’s(voorbeelden), om die zichzelf te laten vernietigen, imploderen, en dat het collectief zegt: “nee, dat is niet meer wat wij nog langer zullen kiezen.”
En het zit in die collectieve werkelijkheid dat het potentieel, het actiepunt, voor de sprong zit dat er iets anders gebeurt. Dus is het niet dat de derde dimensie zo vreselijk is dat we moeten vertrekken en weggaan; nee, het is dat deze ervaringen en lessen in de dichtheid zijn losgelaten en daarom zijn we vrij om te gaan.
En zo kan er geen enkele soort hiërarchie zijn waarin wij hoger zijn omdat we verder gaan of omdat we eerst gaan. Dat is absurd en dat is heel zeker niet van Liefde. Dus zullen zij er zijn die kozen om in een andere werkelijkheid te zijn, om een drie dimensionale staat van zijn te bewonen.
En ook wat in dit focus over het hoofd wordt gezien… omdat nu juist al onze aandacht, al ons werk werkelijk gericht is op het menselijk collectief. Maar om duidelijk te zijn, en dat zijn we, is dat deze Ascentie over Gaia gaat.
Dus deel ervan is “wie gaat met de rit mee, wie helpt er”. Nou, die erbij helpt zijn degenen die gekozen hebben om naar de planeet te gaan, bewust of niet bewust, maakt niet uit, maar jullie hebben gekozen om naar deze Aarde te komen in deze tijd, voor dit proces.
Nu zijn er die op de laatste minuut zullen zeggen: “nee, ik wil niet gaan.” en er zullen nog velen meer zijn die zeggen: “wacht even, ik kom er aan.”
En dat is deel van de reden voor wat wij zeggen een gelaagd (in fasen)  proces of gebeuren. Dus zullen er mensen zijn die wij de poortbewaarders zullen noemen, of de “ertussen in zitters” (1) die door een Ascentieproces zullen gaan en worden verankerd in de volle werkelijkheid, geen gedeeltelijke werkelijkheid, geen glimpen ervan, geen ervaring van buiten het lichaam, maar de volle werkelijkheid van de vijfde dimensie. Maar zij zullen zich manifesteren, en als het ware worden geobserveerd in de derde dimensie omdat ze terugkomen om te helpen, dat zijn de poortmensen, zij zullen helpen bij deze aanval van de “last minute shoppers” (de mensen die op het laatst nog boodschappen doen).
S: En ik, welke categorie zal ik zitten?
AEM: Omdat jij wilt werken met je familie, en er is ook nog een deel van je , want de waarheid die je bent, is niet alleen de vibratie die je hebt maar ook de persoonlijkheid die we nooit willen veranderen of verwijderen, die zal zeggen: “Ik ga eerst wachten en kijken, ik wil zien hoe dit werkt, ik wil wat van de Waarheid zien van waar dit over gaat.”
En wat je dan doet is die Waarheid vasthouden en je gaat die communiceren. Er is een heel verschil tussen jou die de Waarheid  en die vibratie en vastheeft en dan feitelijk mensen probeert te overtuigen.
Er zijn zoveel mensen die zeggen: “wacht even een minuutje.”- en wij zien dit zelfs in hoge mate bij hen die hebben gesproken, gewerkt, gebeden voor Ascentie – ze zeggen: “oh goed, het is tijd, maar kunnen we nog even wachten?” omdat ze dit of dat nog willen doen, of het meest normale is dan: “Ik wil hen meenemen waar ik van houd en liefheb.” En dat wordt helemaal verwacht omdat niet alleen jullie liefde wordt vooruitgezien, maar (ook) de reden waarom jullie hier zijn.
Er was een tijd toen er geloofd werd, dat als Gaia ging veranderen, de meeste mensen de planeet zouden verlaten, maar zoveel mensen zijn ontwaakt en dat is dus veranderd. Dus in plaats van een vlucht naar buiten, praten we nu over miljoenen vluchten, en dat, lieve hart, is goed nieuws. (2)
Maar het focus… we vragen aan jullie, we smeken jullie… leg je niet vast op een datum, jullie hebben je datums. Ga niet voor een bepaalde dimensie, waar naar toe je gaat – of het 4, of 5 of is het 7?
Ga voor de Liefde, ga voor het hart, daarvoor zijn de lichtwerkers. Ze gaan over het veranderen van de wereld. Jullie zeggen tegen me: “Michaël, ik weet niet of ik dat doe. Ik weet niet of ik dat schommelen beheers zodat de mensen de Waarheid kunnen weten.”
Maar kijk naar de planeet, kijk naar Gaia die plotseling, zo veel jaren geleden tegen iedereen en alles op de planeet heeft gepraat, inclusief tegen de menselijke wezens en zegt: “sta klaar, ik wil dat jullie met me mee gaan.”
En mensen die niet bewust deze boodschap begrijpen die aan hen werd gegeven in de ochtend, avond en nacht, en die zit in de vibraties onder hun voeten, onder hun bed, in de fundering van hun straten, in de lucht die ze inademen, in de wateren waarin ze zwemmen en in het water dat ze drinken zit deze boodschap.
Dus het verschil, heel vaak meer met woorden van wanneer dan en hoe, wordt eenvoudig gebaseerd op de perceptie van het kanaal van wat er mogelijk is.
En de verdere openingen van Ascentie…  jullie zien, kuist nu dat het ondenkbaar is als ik tegen jullie zou zeggen: “en oh, nog wat, jullie blijven leven en in 2030 kun je nog een sprong maken.” Je zou dan denken dat ik bespottelijk aan praten was (Susan lacht) dus we voeren dat ook uit.
Maar, ja, er zullen andere openingen komen omdat wat jullie aan het doen zijn is binnengaan in dit heel actieve proces; het partnerschap werd al eonen geleden gesmeed, maar die stage is voorbij en we zitten in de samenwerkende co-creatie. En als jullie op die manier co-creëren, dan werken jullie met de oneindigheid van het Universum.
Dus, is er ruimte voor beweging? Oh, ja, er is een grote speelruimte. Nu zeg ik tegen jullie als je op een planeet van Liefde bent – Gaia in al haar opgestegen schoonheid – het is zo onwaarschijnlijk dat jullie ergens anders heen zouden willen gaan.  (AEM en Susan lachen)
Miljoenen en miljoenen sterrenbroeders en zusters hebben van heinde en ver gereisd om hier aan deel te nemen, om er getuige van te zijn, en om er deel van te zijn. Dus het is helemaal niet waarschijnlijk dat menselijke wezens, of hybriden, zoals we jullie vaak noemen, komen en zeggen: “oh, nee, dank je.” Jullie zullen blijven.
S: Ik (met nadruk)  zal op de opgestegen Aarde blijven?
AEM: Ja, jij persoonlijk, Susan zult blijven op de opgestegen Aarde en jullie, het collectief, het grootste gedeelte zullen we zeggen, zal blijven. Zij die de overgang maken, oh, ze kunnen kiezen om terug te keren naar hun schepen of hun thuisplaneten, maar het grootste gedeelte zal een tijd willen blijven. Het zou vreselijk veel werk zijn om te doen en dan maar gewoon weg te gaan. (AEM  en Susan lachen).
S: Dat is zeker.
AEM: Ja, het zou zijn alsof je een groot feest zou voorbereiden en dan niet zou blijven. Dat zou treurig zijn. En wat het met zich zal dragen voor degenen waar jij van denkt als die welke onwillig/schoorvoetend of recalcitrant (weerspannig) zijn, is Liefde.
S: Ik begrijp dat een serie van gebeurtenissen, zoals Disclosure of Eerste Contact, heel transformerend zal zijn door het hart van mensen te veranderen.
AEM: Dat is absoluut juist.
S: Zijn dit echte (benadrukkend) gebeurtenissen die zullen gebeuren? Zullen ze… en hier is de kwestie waar mensen het niet over eens zijn… sommigen zeggen dat alleen een 5 dimensionale ziel contact zal maken met hun sterren broeders en zusters omdat het een 5 dimensionale werkelijkheid is, en dat een 3D mens geen contact kan maken? Dat is niet juist, wel?
AEM: Dat is gewoon niet zo. Er zijn sommigen mensen die wat we noemen 3 dimensionaal of trans-dimensionaal zijn – ja, zij die een meer open perspectief hebben, die reeds dat contact hebben en als ze die niet verschoven en verankerd hebben in een andere dimensie. Nu is het zo dat als je in de 5de dimensie bent, ja, dan zullen jullie toegang hebben tot je sterrenbroeders en zusters.
Maar de reden is en dat is niet alleen voor Disclosere want dat is meer een politiek gebeuren of manoeuvre, wat wij begrijpen – en de beschikbaarheid van sterrenwezens die aanwezig zijn in de derde dimensie, die helpen, technologie en healing informatie delen, dat is een harten openmaker.
S: En dat is iets dat…. 
AEM: Dat is stoffelijk, tastbaar.
S: Dat zal gebeuren?
AEM: Ja.
S: Vóór Gaia’s Ascentie?
AEM: Ja.
S: Nou, dan wil ik op de eerste rij zitten hoor (lach). Ik kan niet eens vertellen, op het diepste punt van mijn hart, hoe graag ik wil dat dit gebeurt.
AEM: Toen je zei dat je verlangend en eenzaam bent, is dat niet alleen voor wie wij zijn wat je neerzet als het Gezelschap van de Hemel. Het gaat ook om jullie sterrenbroeders en zusters die je kent en die je al lange tijd hebt gekend. Ze zijn precies hier.
Het enige (benadrukking) dat hen heeft afgehouden om volledig betrokken te zijn is de wens geweest om geen drama van angst te creëren, om de menselijke verslaafdheid aan drama geen  voedsel te geven; dus wachten ze daarop, om een beetje tot rust te komen. Maar als je denkt dat jullie verlangend zijn, lief hart, dan denk eens aan hen!
En we zullen benadrukken dat er veel sterrenbroeders en zusters zijn die al ‘geplant’ (‘ge”installeerd” ) zijn, denk erover als het grondteam, dat al op Aarde is en die er werken. Ja, neem aan in een menselijke vorm, vormveranderend, maar je kunt hen herkennen als je ze ziet.
Dus ja, het is iets dat een van de gebeurtenissen is die bedoeld is om het hart verder te openen. Velen hebben gezegd, bijvoorbeeld, als je zo’n verwoesting had in Japan, ja, het is Gaia die aan het veranderen is, maar het is ook een Zielengroep die vrijwillig is gekomen om compassie en hartsopeningen te scheppen. Dus je krijgt die gebeurtenissen waar het menselijk collectief meer verenigd wordt en zich realiseert dat ze Een zijn.
S: Ik heb nog een laatste vraag waar ik me bijna voor geneer om die te stellen, maar ik ga het toch doen omdat ik mezelf hier niet van los kan breken…  Ik weet dat we geen vertrouwen moeten stellen in mensen, zogezegd, maar ik wil echt, echt weten of Barack Obama zichzelf zal ‘verlossen’(‘terugwinnen’?) Ik heb zoveel emotionele hoop op hem gezet als president van ons land, en….
AEM: Jij en zo veel anderen….
S: (gefrustreerd) Ik wil het echt loslaten, maar ik kan dat niet…(lacht)
AEM: Geen zorg daarover, hij is een sterrenbroeder. Hij zal uit de as verrijzen.
S: (zuchtend) Ik weet niet waarom ik zoveel van hem hou, maar dat doe ik.
AEM: Je bent niet alleen… Twijfel niet aan je liefde, die zit op een goede plek. Dus laat dit schaakspel uitspelen. Hij weet wat hij doet; op de lange run (tenslotte) zal hij jullie niet in de steek laten.
S: Nou, ik denk dat Amerika en de wereld blij zal zijn met dat resultaat.
AEM: Het is deel van het plan. Hij is ook nog een deel van die harten opening. Hij krijgt veel hulp van boven en ik bedoel ook van jullie sterrenbroeders en zusters. Dus ja, geef hem nog niet op.
S: Omdat dit nog een hartbrekende bron van strijd is in de lichtwerker gemeenschap… er zijn er al zoveel die hem hebben opgegeven.
AEM: Maar wat ze gedaan hebben is niet naar zijn hart kijken en ze zijn heel snel om te oordelen. Als je ziet wat je schept, is het een cirkel, het is een heilige spiraal; dus je kunt niet zeggen: “jij zit erin en jij bent er uit.” En hij zit in jullie cirkel. Jullie zijn in veel cirkels geweest waarin je energie de cirkel rondzendt. Doe dit en zend het naar hem. Bekrachtig hem opnieuw omdat hij net ook zo ontmoedigd is.
S: Ja, dat kan ik me voorstellen. Dank u. Dank u zo heel erg veel.
AEM: Je bent zo welkom. Ga met mijn liefde.
S: Dank u nog een keer. Ik houd van u.
AEM: Vaarwel.

(1)  Dit zijn degenen die vroeg gaan ascenderen en dan terugkeren als Opgestegen Meesters, een gebeuren dat in het algemeen wordt gekend als “De Terugkeer van de Meesters.”
(2) Hier wordt dus gesproken over vele vroege Ascenties. 

Vertaling: Winny

Monday, October 17, 2011

SaLuSa: You Can Now Maintain a Calmness Around You Without Any Fear Whatsoever

2011 October 17
by Steve Beckow
Much to say this morning in a message that is for me, along with that from the Arcturian Group today, definitely a keeper. There is a significant bloc of lightworkers today who are pooh-poohing channeled communications but this message from SaLuSa shows just how useful they are. Much of this information cannot be gotten anywhere else.

SaLuSa confirms that the cabal is being deprived of its underground bases – its logistical headquarters, shelter from the nuclear war it planned, experimentation centers, etc. Don’t forget that Area 51 is one such base as is the Cheyenne Mountain military headquarters. But he also provides us with a missing piece and that is that he identifies the Earth allies as the ones who destroyed the bunkers. Until now, I’m not sure anyone knew for certain who was doing this.
He tells us that “countries” have come together to fight the last cabal. The finance ministers conference off Monaco could be pointed to as one demonstration that whole countries are coming together in opposition to them. He repeats that the Illuminati end was to annihilate the population and reminds us that there is no reason any longer to fear any outcomes.

For me this is a very significant statement because many people are orienting towards events as if the cabal, Reptilians, etc., represent a clear and present threat. But SaLuSa, and the Arcturian Group earlier today, are telling us that the threat they represented is diminishing every day and will eventually disappear.
So in terms of needing to know when we can begin to shift from and relax our posture of vigilance, here are some messages that allow us to gauge matters. Some lightworkers continue to speak as if the threat level is high but it may even be possible to sense from the falling away of weather-warfare events and the lack of discussion of such things as pandemics that the forward momentum of the dark ones has been broken. I’m tempted to say that all that remains are their instruments of local control like the police and the mainstream media. And I’m willing to believe that we may soon see shifts there as well.

We hear of people moving to Sedona and Mt. Shasta and other significant places and SaLuSa says here that the moves we make at this time are important, are part of our life plan, and are seeing that we are in the right places for our final time before Ascension. He tells us that most of us have already made our decision as to whether to ascend or not. There is about his message an entire sense that the threat level has diminished (perhaps as a result of the destruction of the underground bases, perhaps as a result of the financial corraling of the cabal).

He tells us that these developments and our increasing knowledge that life is organized should help us maintain “a calmness around you without any fear whatsoever.” Those are words we could afford to commit to memory. He reminds us that our knowledge of all that has happened, the fact that we’ve been conscious during these events, can attest to them later, can vouch for the fact that they happened, will be very useful later when the pace of things picks up and people need validation for what the Company of Light says has occurred and is going on.

He tells us that meeting the galactics, Agarthans, returned masters, and our guides will overawe us. He reassures us that NESARA is waiting in the wings and will lift us to new levels of prosperity. He tells us that our exposure to the galactics will be through our media, which implies a shift in their coverage.

He tells us that discrimination between male and female will disappear. He assures us that our bodily changes are happening now.  He ends with an inspiring description of what our experience and knowledge will soon be.

SaLuSa 17-October-2011

Not a day goes by without further developments being achieved by our allies, and that is hastening the time when some positive moves can be made to bring a stop to the activities of the dark Ones. Already they are being weakened by losing control of their command bases, and we will continue to assist our allies until the threat to you no longer exists. Various teams are responsible for dealing with the different challenges that face you, and be assured all is well and proceeding to plan.

Defeat is not a word that the dark Ones contemplate as they considered themselves invincible. However, they are having to face up to the inevitable loss of power and subsequent collapse. We offer them a way out and believe they will accept, when it becomes apparent that they cannot avoid the net that is closing in upon them.
The sudden changes in power are as much down to the countries that have come together to fight the last cabal, and prevent their insidious plans to annihilate most of your civilization. That danger has now passed, and in any event would not have been allowed. You have awakened so much in recent times that you earnt the right to complete this cycle with Ascension. The possibility of any other result has long been overcome, and divine intervention has ensured that you will travel a safe path to the end time. So there is no place for fear as we are soon to take command of the Earth’s activities, and you will enjoy the benefits of all that has been promised to you.
People are always moving home, but in this particular time it has more importance attached to it, as you need to be exactly where you need to be for the final run in to Ascension. Most of you are already established where you are at present, and although you may think of moving if it is not in your interests, it will not go ahead. In fact the whole of your life is subject to your life plan, even to where you work and the friends you make.

It may seem that you are always in control and exercising your freewill, but you are aware subconsciously of the decisions you need to make to conform to your plan. You will have already made the big decision as to whether you desire to ascend, even if you are not yet positive of your intentions at this time. Free will is still your final say in the matter, but you would not normally go outside what you had planned. Also your Guides would do their best to impress upon you what is best when making your decision.

Many people will find it strange and possibly difficult to accept that life is so well organized, but bear in mind that it is necessary if it is to be beneficial. After all, the object of your experiences is to advance your evolution, so that you can raise your vibrations and leave duality. Many, many of you have done so and are already well on the way to Ascension. It makes getting through this present period a lot easier, as it means you can be on the Earth but not of it.
You can maintain a calmness around you without any fear whatsoever, and wherever you go spread the Light. Your presence and thousands upon thousands like you, are paving the way for many others to follow. You are so important in the scheme of things, and will be more so once the announcements are made acknowledging our presence. People will have many questions to ask and your services will be well appreciated.

At times you will be overawed at what takes place, as for example when we of the Galactic Federation and the people of the Inner Earth meet you, and your Guides and the Masters are made known. It will be an amazing time that will be so different to anything else you have experienced so far, and one of continual upliftment and happiness. Once the changes get started they will take place very quickly, and there will be a succession of great periods of activity to bring you the benefits you have been promised.

Already you can see the direction in which things are going and we know you watch with interest the outcome of the financial problems, that have the world teetering on the edge of collapse. It is quite apparent that you can never return to the old ways, and our allies wait in the wings for the opportunity to step in with a totally new approach.
We promise you that whatever your personal problems or needs, in time all of you will be lifted up to new levels of prosperity. When you leave duality it will be as you say, on a high, because you will by then have taken a quantum leap forward. We will already have met you, and our craft will be as familiar in your skies as other craft are today.  Because you have got used to the idea of our presence, coming amongst you will have been made easier.

Our exposure will be through the media and we shall be making many appearances to acquaint you with the tasks that lay ahead, and also  give you an understanding of our home planets and cultures that you will find are not so far removed from your own. It is not that you have no knowledge at all, as over many years there have been many contacts made with you. Some have been lucky enough to be invited aboard the space craft, and taken on journeys well beyond your Earth.

We believe that you will easily mix with us and we will work together all the way to Ascension. Beyond that time you will have become more like us, and many of you will join the Galactic Federation and travel the Universe with us. You will have become Cosmic Beings with an advanced level of consciousness, and quite different to what you are now. It is then that you will realize that you are every bit as great a Being as we have so often informed you.

There will be no distinction between male or female, and in fact you will eventually become androgynous with a perfect balance between both genders. It will come with the body changes and the refinement of it, as it becomes of a much higher vibration. Your bodies are in fact slowly changing now, and will continue to do so as your vibrations are lifted up.

Believe us Dear Ones, you are entering a most wonderful period, and will have the most exciting experiences that will soon put the past well behind you. Of course some earthly experiences are beautiful and you will hold on to some memories. However those of the future will surpass all of them, as life becomes one great blessing full of sheer bliss, joy and happiness. You will better understand the Love that pervades everything around you, and your place with God and from whence you came and where you are going. Religion will not come into it, as you will find your God within along with all knowledge.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have never felt so close to you as our Light merges with yours. Where we are all headed for, everything exists within the Light, and in absolute harmony. You may have to feel it to believe it, but it will take your breathe away when you do. No longer will you feel separated from the Source of All That Is. Many of you are already prepared for what awaits you, and you are living the future now. We love you for what we see, but look beyond your physical body to the real you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two Questions on Refusing Ascension by Steve Beckow

Two Questions on Refusing Ascension

2011 October 8
by Steve Beckow
At times I try to answer questions on the discussion group. When I do, I sometimes share the answers here for their possible relevance to other readers. On those occasions I summarize the questions. I apologize if my summaries have not done justice to the original questions. 

Q: If my spouse and children stay behind, I will want to stay with them. But will my lifetime feature NESARA, the new technology, etc., or will it be a struggle with dead-end jobs, shrinking finances, and all the other negative conditions we have now? If so, I would become resentful. Thinking about these situations worries me.

A: When you say “the rest of my life here,” I’m not sure if you’re estimating the situation accurately. The Earth will ascend together with the population who choose to by the end of 2012.  There will be no Earth remaining on the Third Dimension past that time.

It isn’t the case that people who choose not to ascend will remain on another Earth. They will ascend with the Earth or make the transition to the Astral Plane by natural causes, according to Matthew and others. There will be no one on a 3D Earth past the end of 2012.

But what we may not be factoring in is that, past Disclosure and First Contact, our families will have the benefit of mentoring by returned masters, which will comprise both the people who ascend early and return, as well as the great figures from our religions. They will also be mentored by the galactics and celestials.

Our families may not accept the scenario now, but they probably will after Disclosure.  Moreover, most people made their decision to ascend prior to birth so what they say now may not reflect their decision at a deeper level, which again may not rise to the surface till after the light reaches a higher level (for instance, past 11-11-11 or 12-12-11).

The worrying we do seldom contributes to a favorable outcome of things. It tends to drag a  situation down and makes the worrier in need of assistance from others. Worrying says “I’m not adequate to meet this situation. Help me.” Rather than worrying about our families not ascending, it may be more useful to make up our minds within ourselves that they will be ascending and to “come from” the quiet confidence that they will.

That will invoke the Law of Attraction. That will be a matter that they may accept more readily later than anxiety. That quiet confidence may pull them along with us.

I don’t think we’re aware of it but I’d think the average, normal household in our societies falls well within the realm of those who will ascend, all other things being equal.  We’re generally a peaceful society internally, even if we haven’t been externally. We generally care about each other. We’ve generally worked out the kinks that, not worked out, would condemn us to another cycle of duality.

Where all other things may not be equal is that some of us, because of our religious beliefs say, may qualify to ascend but look upon the galactics as the anti-Christ and reject everything to do with them. We may set our faces against the rising energies and transition at some point in the next year without accepting the Ascension scenario. We fell within the ranks of those who could have ascended but made up our minds we’d have nothing to do with it.

Let’s set our minds on your family ascending and pull them along with us.  If they’re irritated by our talk of Ascension now, let’s ket the conversation about it go. Most of the galactics say: “Tell others but just enough.”  There will be plenty of time for them to learn about it and make any adjustments they need to later, and the force of our confidence will probably attract them to follow us then.

If what I said meets with resistance, then perhaps check to see if we have a vasana in the area that impels us in a certain direction, like a vasana of worrying. If we do, we may need to flatten the vasana using the process I’ve been attempting to illustrate and look again. What may be happening is that we may be acting out our own deepest vasanas, which are surfacing at this time, and the view from outside the vasana may be significantly different than the view from inside.

Q: The picture is said to be bleak for those who refuse Ascension.

A: My best guess of the fate of the ones who stay behind is that there is a spectrum there. First of all to deal with the reception of the ones who stay behind: the galactics have said that they will pass from the scene by natural causes and be received on the astral planes as all are received, with kindness and compassion.

I haven’t myself fully digested what will be happening with the astral planes after Ascension. I presume that if our own what Matthew calls “Nirvana” ascends, there will still remain an astral plane somewhere that will receive the newly-transitioned.

I also assume that they will continue on the regular course that everyone pursues who transitions. After a spell of recuperation on the etheric plane that is nearest to the Earth, they’ll go to the level of the astral plane that fits their energetic signature. Some will go to the Higher Summerlands, some to the Middle, some to the Lower, and some to the Stony and Dark Planes.

Their stay on any plane is just temporary. All spirits are constantly moving upward until it’s time to reincarnate again, at which point they come back to the Third Dimension or physical plane.

Matthew has said that a few, responsible for the worst aspects of depopulation, genocide, and similar atrocities, may be returned to First and Second Dimensional existence, but I’m sure that will be a small number and won’t be the ordinary person who simply refuses Ascension.

There is no stigma attached to refusing Ascension. Those people will simply continue in Third-Dimensional existence but on a different planet, just as we’ve lived on many planets (though no Starseeds have probably lived in the Third Dimension recently).  They simply missed this flight and will catch the next one. But I have never heard anyone say that the average person, innocent of participating in the cabal’s dark schemes, will be in any way looked down upon or “punished” for refusing Ascension.

We all are destined to return to God just as we all came from God. It makes no difference to God when we return just as it made no difference when we arose out of God.  In the vision I had in 1987, (1) I saw the small golden star emerge from God and when it entered the lifetimes in matter in the cloud that was the Holy Spirit/Shakti/the Divine Mother, there were other golden stars at different stages of evolution. But the stages didn’t matter. All made the same journey. Only the timing differed. And the timing was determined by when each star was created.

So no doom awaits those who refuse Ascension. And no disrespect will be extended to them or a cold shoulder or anything like that. I’d like to believe that they’ve been associated with us in this lifetime as a help up, an opportunity to choose Ascension if they wanted to. The fact that they may not have made that choice is something that is left to them.

These are my understandings. I may be wrong but that’s how I see it at this moment.




Ch. 13 Epilogue by Steve Beckow

Ch. 13 Epilogue

Vision 11

(Continued from Part 12.)
Last revised: 13 Aug. 2011

When time stood still 

What inspired this book? What motivates me as its author?

The energy I have for the subject arises from an event that happened on 13 February 1987, a vision. Rather improbably, it happened while I was driving my car. I’ll try to describe it in as much detail as I can for interest’s sake. You may recognize it as a variation on the spiritual parabola or Jacob’s ladder of consciousness.

The previous weekend I had been at a rebirthing workshop and had had a full breath release, an event which left me feeling incredibly clean and clear.

Moreover, I was at the time studying for my doctorate in sociology and had been counselling people on a volunteer basis. This experience as a counselor contributed directly to what happened next.

At first, like so many counsellors, I used “problem-solving therapy,” but soon became weary of trying to “sell” solutions to people who weren’t inclined to buy. They seemed to want to tell their stories no matter what and rebuffed any attempt I made to offer a solution until they had had their say so I started listening.

I found that people presented me with a puzzle and, when I listened and they talked about it long and deeply enough, they suddenly had an “Aha!” The puzzle turned into a picture which caused their upset to disappear. (Of course I’m simplifying a more complicated process.)
In all sincerity that day, I said to the universe in general, “If our early lives are a puzzle which turns into a picture, is it possible that life itself is a puzzle? And, if so, what might the picture be that life is?”

I’d turned the corner in my car and was travelling through a part of the city I knew well. Having asked my question, everything suddenly turned black. I forgot about my car and found myself staring at a wordless tableaux, a spiritual movie, if you will. All of it was relational, a cause-and-effect story in pictures. I was watching God’s wordless way of speaking to me.

At the same time as I watched this spiritual tableau — and this is very important – I was filled with bliss. The experience of bliss resulted in greatly-increased comprehension. It somehow made it easier for me to take things in so that, what I could not wrap my thoughts around in everyday consciousness, I now knew and understood quite simply, intuitively, and directly.
I knew intuitively the identity of the actors in the film and the nature of the drama that was unfolding before my eyes. Words just arose in my mind to explain what I saw.

There was before me a large Golden Sun, which I knew intuitively to be “God the Father” (Brahman, the irreducible Essence, the Tao). From it emerged a small golden star, which I thought of as “God the Child” (the Atman, the Buddha-nature, the Christ, the Pearl of great price). This small golden star streaked out into the blackness of space and disappeared.

I noticed that I had the capacity to follow the golden star wherever it went. I simply wondered where it had gone and I was there, looking at that corner of “space.”

In the corner where the golden star had gone, there was a kind of hazy cloud. I knew that cloud to be God the Holy Spirit, which I would now call “God the Mother” (Shakti, the Word, Aum/Amen, the creative universal vibration).

Within the haze, I saw a spiraling tube and recognized the Star-Child, moving through it. Now it had lost its brilliance and I could only see its perfectly-circular outline, as it wended its way through what I knew intuitively to be “lifetimes in matter.”

I watched for a time and then, suddenly, the Star-Child flashed back into brilliance and I knew that to be an experience of enlightenment. As soon as its luminescence returned, it left the tube and raced back to the Golden Sun in which it submerged itself. I knew this to be another, more senior experience of enlightenment.

The Star-Child having disappeared, I pondered what I had seen and the words formed in my mind: “Enlightenment is the purpose of life.” This understanding summarized my experience.
As soon as I had reached this conclusion, the vision disappeared and I was back behind the wheel of a car.

Knowing that part of the city well, I looked to the right and the left of me to see how far I had moved in the roughly eight seconds I had been somewhere else. I had not moved an inch. I concluded that the whole event had taken place outside of time.

The experience was not enlightenment. It was a teaching about enlightenment. I had been given a glimpse of God’s great Plan for life, a representation of the total journey of an individual soul. It went out from God, on a spiritual parabola, all the while spiraling forward, through the universe of matter, and back again to God once it had achieved a supreme level of mergence or enlightenment.
“It all works out in the final reel!”

Behind the wheel of the car again, I came to a red light and looked over at the worried expression on the face of the driver in the next car. I wanted to roll down my window and shout: “It all works out in the final reel!”

For the next three days, I remained in bliss. I saw that all of nature praises God and reveals His Plan. Trees raise their leafy branches to the sky as if in adoration. Their leaves drop off, as our bodies do, but the trees don’t die. The birds flying through the air leave no trace; nor do souls journeying through life. The way the sand and sea mix and yet return to their basic natures reminded me of the relationship between the soul and the body. Everything natural was a metaphor of the Divine or one of Its created processes.
Thereafter my doctoral studies seemed insipid. I tried to enroll my professors in allowing me to study enlightenment for my dissertation but no one at the university, including the religious studies department, would hear of it. Religious studies said that the university regulations prevented them from studying such a subject. I was amazed.

Empirical materialism was the dominant paradign at my university in those days. Only what could be known through the senses was considered real. None of what I’d seen was known through the senses; hence none of what I’d seen was, to the university, real.
I felt confined by the academic paradigm, was glad to leave it, and have never looked back. Moreover, I’ve never allowed my research, since that day, to be subject to academic scrutiny to preserve my freedom to wander where I will.

I remained entranced by the vision. I had to find words to express its wordless message. One by one, as I read the classics, statements appeared that explained what I had seen. Jesus saying that he came out from the Father out into the world and now returns to the Father was an exact description. Jacob’s Ladder was a depiction of it. Here it was discussed in Ibn Arabi; there in Krishnamurti.

I spent almost twenty years trying to put that eight-second movie into words and, in fact, this book is the latest attempt. And now it’s done.

May your efforts to achieve the purpose of life and consummate God’s Plan for you be blessed with success. May you be filled with divine joy and love. May all God’s children be enlightened, fulfilled and reunited with God.


Steve Beckow   

The Declaration of Human Freedom

The Declaration of Human Freedom

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.

All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.

No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.

Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.

The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found inward.

God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.

No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.

Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.

No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.

Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.

Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.

Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.

All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.

Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.

All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.

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The 2012 Scenario

FEBRUARY 7, 2013 - 7:00PM EST

FEBRUARY 7, 2013 - 7:00PM EST

Profile for Fran Zepeda

オバマが国際刑事裁判所に再加入・・・米国はもはやならず者国家ではない 2012年5月3日

オバマが国際刑事裁判所に再加入・・・米国はもはやならず者国家ではない 2012年5月3日

Qu’est ce qu’être humain? par Steve Beckow