They carry their torch wherever they go and illuminate the way forward.
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Saturday, September 27, 2014
Steve Beckow over Matthew van 23 sept. ’14: Een Suizend Geluid

Friday, September 26, 2014
Union & Reunion Gathering Available as Livestream! October 3rd-5th

is available for online registration until September 28th, midnight GMT
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
That Whooshing Sound by Steve Beckow on September 24, 2014
Posted by Steve
Beckow on September 24, 2014
I anticipate a flurry of emails
over Matthew’s statement here:
“That said, we happily tell you
that the decade of delay in your society’s advancement will end in your year
2017, a most propitious timeframe indeed with a celestial window similar to the
one during the December 2012 solstice that eased Earth into fourth density.
“Your concept of time actually is
energy in motion, and since Earth’s ascension route is into successively higher,
or lighter, energy planes, the few interim years will pass with increasing
speed. And, ever-heightening vibrations along the way will enable expanding
realization of soul-level knowingness and powers of manifestation that you will
heartily welcome.” (1)
Unfortunately, Matthew doesn’t
explain what he means in terms of Ascension. He went on to discuss the impact
of our “energy streamers” on us, rendering the prediction of timing difficult:
“New energy streamers are
emerging, some are changing directions, some are gaining momentum, some are
dwindling to mere wisps; and all of the continuous movement is maneuvered by
your collective thoughts, feelings and freewill choices. This is why, even though
the ultimate outcome of everything underway is known in the continuumbecause it
is predestined, it isn’t possible to pinpoint in linear time exactly when a
specific happening will manifest.” (2)
Matthew correctly said that we
would awaken on Dec. 22, 2012 to a world that was largely unchanged. At
the time, I remember how discombobulated I was by that remark. And now he says
something that is equally difficult to interpret, at exactly the time when
clarity and conclusiveness would have been so much appreciated.
I love Matthew and consider him
one of the most insightful and helpful of all channeled speakers. But it
doesn’t seem helpful to make such a radical statement and leave it more or less

Saturday, September 6, 2014
The COL Union & Re-Union Live Stream

Livestream of the upcoming Council of Love Event at Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
The Divine Mother is making it possible for the October 3-5 Council of Love Event to be global! The theme of the conference is Union and Re-Union.
The Mother awakened her channel, Linda Dillon, in one of her 3am wake up calls. She asked Linda to provide a Livestream of the upcoming Council of Love Event at Lake Tahoe, California, USA.
The Mother asked that it be made available to everyone around the world and so Linda is doing just that!
You will be able to join Linda and The Council of Love live for the Union & Re-Union Event as it happens.

The Declaration of Human Freedom
Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.
Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.
Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.
No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.
All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.
No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.
Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.
The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found inward.
God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.
No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.
Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.
No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.
Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.
Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.
Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.
All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.
Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.
All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.