They carry their torch wherever they go and illuminate the way forward.

SaLuSa 18-February-2011


Monday, December 14, 2015

Castellano -- Un vistazo de Nuestra Ascensión – Parte 2/2 por Steve Beckow

11 de Diciembre del 2015

Por:  Steve Beckow
(Continuación de la Parte 1)

Algunos días después de que la onda X golpeara a La Tierra me encontré con que mi mente se había quedado en silencio. Y al día siguiente después de eso vi como el kundalini completó su circuito a la corona o al séptimo chacra.

Por lo general la realización del circuito de kundalini se traduciría en Brahjmajnana o Realización de Dios. Brahjmajnana es una apertura temporal del corazón y está impregnada de felicidad.

No experimenté la Realización de Dios, sólo la finalización del kundalini. He publicado en la primera parte de este artículo lo que dijo AAM acerca de cercenar la experiencia.

Sin embargo, unos días después empecé a ver como la felicidad surgía en mí. Era casi como si me pusiera a experimentar dicho estado por partes. En primer lugar mi mente estuvo tranquila; luego vino el kundalini ascendente; y unos días después de ello vino la dicha.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Castellano -- Un vistazo de Nuestra Ascensión – Parte 1/2 por Steve Beckow

(1)  Un vistazo de Nuestra Ascensión – Parte 1/2
10 de Diciembre del 2015  por Steve Beckow

Esto sí que es dicha. Todos tenemos nuestras misiones y la mía es la de ser un comunicador.

Además de eso, estoy acá para experimentar la Ascensión junto con todos los demás y escribir sobre la misma.

Parece implícito que las experiencias en la conciencia que yo y de otros como yo (personas que han accedido a ir primero y lo hacen público) atraviesan están destinadas para algunas personas experimentar por ellos mismos una vez que el terreno ha sido identificado y al menos tentativamente asignado.

Somos exploradores  y somos periodistas.

Ya que es mi trabajo voy a hablar de algunas cosas de las que normalmente nunca hablo. Estas cosas suelen ser privadas. Uno no quiere ser ridiculizado por su espiritualidad. Esto es algo muy preciado para mí.

Por otra parte suena jactancioso estar hablando de este tipo de cosas y la mayoría de la gente no lo haría. Ni lo haría yo si no fuera por el hecho de que lo tengo que hacer. Este es mi trabajo. Autoconocimiento, la transparencia, la toma de conciencia - es lo que hago para ganarme la vida. Es esto o lavar platos.

Ahora estoy listo para concluir que los acontecimientos que he pasado por lo menos desde 13 de marzo 2015, cuando tuve una experiencia importante, hasta la semana pasada cuando experimenté éxtasis durante algunos días, estaba destinado a ser un anticipo de la Ascensión en sí.

Dije que estaba implícito "en otras cosas que sé." He tenido el gran beneficio de tener una lectura personal con el Arcángel Miguel cada tres semanas desde principios de 2011. Yo soy capaz de preguntarle a él que interprete los acontecimientos y confirme ciertas líneas de la investigación. De ahí es donde viene el conocimiento de determinadas materias.

He tenido profundas experiencias espirituales en los últimos ocho meses y medio, pero he sido asediado, como el Arcángel Miguel me ha confirmado. Tengo el permiso de visitar estados "glorificados", tener una visión de ellos, pero no se me permite vivir allí.

Permítanme citar una conversación en la que él me confirmó que la finalización de la kundalini que experimenté después de la onda X fue anulada.

Steve: [vacío de mente] fue seguido al día siguiente por lo que parecía ser el kundalini completando su circuito en el séptimo chacra. ¿Es eso lo que en realidad pasó?

Arcángel Miguel: Sí, ahora es parte del botón de reinicio. Piensa en ello de esta manera. Si vas a instalar por ejemplo un nuevo programa, o tú tenías un viejo programa y estabas frustrado con el mismo y estás pidiendo la totalidad del programa para entrar en línea para que apague el ordenador y que lo reinicie. Eso es lo que hiciste.

Steve: Hmm, interesante! Normalmente experimentarías Brahmajñana en ese punto, pero sentí que había sido silenciado, bajado de tono.

AAM: Completamente bajado de tono. Queremos que estés muy presente físicamente.

Steve: Bien, bien. Eso tiene sentido. (1)
No sólo moderaron el tono de estas experiencias para que me quedara en el cuerpo físico sino que ellos también quieren que yo siga escribiendo en lugar de sentarme bajo un árbol.

Por lo tanto me ofrecen una visión de estos estados, una recompensa y un incentivo para llevar a cabo estudios espirituales en estos estados de conciencia. Bueno, no hay necesidad de un incentivo allí.

Yo creo que los acontecimientos de mis últimos ocho meses y medio han hecho una analogía de lo que pensamos sobre la Ascensión. He tenido una experiencia a medias y eso fue simplemente maravilloso.

Vamos a revisar esos eventos. Los artículos en este sitio establecerán la línea de tiempo. Yo me guiaré por mi memoria la cual no es la mejor en estos días (se requiere que me olvide de la 3D y el no recordar fue la mejor forma de lograr esto). Así que en el mejor de los casos me aproximo a lo que digo aquí.

La apertura del corazón del 13 de marzo del 2015 me abrió al amor y me di cuenta de inmediato que casi nunca amé en mi vida. Yo podía haber amado algunas de las experiencias transformacionales que he tenido en mi vida, sin embargo, eso fue todo el amor que sentí en toda mi vida.

Lo importante aquí es que creo que la apertura del corazón era comparable a la primera experiencia de la iluminación, que se produce cuando el kundalini llega al cuarto o chacra del corazón (no el corazón).

Creo que nosotros como un colectivo tendremos esa experiencia en un futuro próximo (sin fechas por favor). Esa experiencia se llama despertar espiritual tanto por los hindúes como por la corriente budista. Creo que tuve una versión atenuada de la misma. Si la hubiera pasado por completo estaría gritando con entusiasmo, como le paso a mi amigo australiano.

Sin embargo, empecé a explorar este nuevo dominio que me encontré en, en el cual el amor transformador barrió a un lado las condiciones negativas como la ira, los celos y la codicia.

El amor ordinario se siente abrumado por estos estados negativos pero el amor transformador no les ofrece ningún equilibrio.

He vivido durante meses en el amor transformador y luego vine el 27/28 de Septiembre durante la Luna Equinoccio de Sangre.

(Continúa en la Parte 2)

(1) Arcángel Miguel en una lectura personal con Steve Beckow, 30 de septiembre del 2015.

Traductora: Maya B.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Nederlands --Matt Kahn, Energie Update: 2 okt. 2015: Het je Bewust Worden van de Nieuwe Energie.

Matt Kahn, Energie Update: 2 okt. 2015: Het je Bewust Worden van de Nieuwe Energie.
Matt KahnOf je nu je leven herontdekt vanuit een breder niveau van bewustzijn, of denkt dat je verschuiving nog moet gebeuren, de energie update van vandaag is toegewijd aan het dienstig zijn aan twee kanten van ervaring om het bewust te worden van de nieuwe energie die zich in de Aarde heeft verankerd.
Moge deze helpen om de uniekheid van alle subjectieve ervaringen te omhelzen om waarnemingen uit te breiden en om de uiteindelijke werkelijkheid te zien en te verwelkomen welke ieder van ons zo prachtig belichaamt.
In mijn vorige energie update, merkte ik op hoe de emotionele en stoffelijke lichamen vaak de laatste aspecten zijn om te veranderen als de nieuwe energie opdoemt. Als we nu weten waar de laatste plekken waar veranderingen vaak gebeuren zijn, kunnen we de volgende stap zetten om de eerste stukken bewijs te onderzoeken waar de veranderingen van energetische verbreding kan worden opgemerkt.
Ook al is er een gewoon attribuut van het nieuwe paradigma-energie een tastbaar soort van grote ruimtelijke leegte, ik wil echt in het onderzoek duiken waar deze verschuivingen beginnen, ten gunste van iedereen.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Nederlands -- Steve Beckow met Aartsengel Michaël over 28 september, het Ascentie Portaal, de Pilaren en het Nieuwe Domein. 19 sept. 2015

ArchangelMichael Ron HeadIk sprak met Aartsengel Michaël over 28 september als de datum van de eerste golf van Ascentie. Hij zei dat al enige tijd mensen zijn geascendeerd en teruggekeerd, dus is dit niet de eerste golf. Hij zei dat sommige mensen graag een gelegenheid willen markeren en een noodzaak voelen voor datums, dus werd deze datum gegeven. Maar mensen ascenderen nu de hele tijd al in deze verhoogde energie.
Hij bespreekt de situatie over pilaren en het nieuwe van het domein waar we “naartoe gaan” (Steve: ik kan stoppen met de noodzaak om het “er naar toe gaan” te gebruiken, omdat we nergens “naartoe gaan”).

Saturday, September 19, 2015

MEDITATION FOR EUROPE -- 8 languages - Video

Somewhere in Norway:
Somewhere in Norway...

Publicado a 18/09/2015


There has been a recent development in Europe that needs our urgent attention. The refugee crisis in Europe has escalated:

Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people in Europe with our meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. It is time for us to unite in purpose so that Light will be victorious. Please post this on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Europe and worldwide:

We will be doing this meditation on Sunday, September 20th at 7:00 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST). This equals 7:00 pm EET in Cairo, 6:00 pm BST in London, 1:00 pm EDT in New York, 12:00 pm (noon) CDT in Chicago, 11:00 am MDT in Denver and 10:00 am PDT in Los Angeles.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Steve Beckow -- No First Wave, No Snap, Sanat Kumara Says.

Folks, this subject is of such general significance that I'm going to leave it up over the weekend.

I interviewed Sanat Kumara through Linda Dillon this week on An Hour with an Angel and asked him to confirm or deny the date of Sept. 28 for the "first wave" of Ascension. He denied both that notion and the notion that there would be a "snap" on that day either.

The energies are higher now than they've ever been and more and more of us will be ascending but we can do that on Sept. 28 or Sept. 17 or November 8. There's nothing written in stone about the date of Sept. 28.

Apparently more than a third of the planet have already been flying through the Ascension portal and then returning to our "normal" consciousness. Even if we ascended, we don't disappear from Gaia, Sanat says.

* * *

Steve: Sept. 28 is being said to be the date of the first wave of Ascension even though that probably happened some time ago. Is there going to be something like a discrete snap or ignition on Sept. 28, Raj? …

Sanat Kumara:  No, this is not the first wave of Ascension. Many of you have been flying in and out of this portal.

And even if it were the first wave of Ascension, those who go through that portal do not disappear.

The Ascension process is the ability to access, enjoy, manifest, experience the numerically-higher-dimensional realities beyond what you have thought of as linear existence.

The energies that have been penetrating your planet, sweet Gaia, particularly in September but with a very big buildup in August, and many of you will point to events - astrological events, the tsunami of love, it matters not -  as we have said, the masters, your star family, the Mother herself, conjoined with the Father, the Archangelics, the Seraphim, the Elohim, all of us have been sending a level of energy to each and every one of you that has been unsurpassed (period). And this has been growing.

Now you as human beings love dates. You do not love disappointment when dates come and go and so from our perspective there are times when dates are given.

The most recent in fact had been Michael’s peace initiative. [This current date] was a message to humanity that on or around that time your frequencies are of an elevated nature, that you may fully engage in the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Dimension.

And so you may think of it, because people love to mark occasion, that Sept. 28 is as good a date as ever. But let us also say that Sept. 17 is as good a date as ever. November 8 is as good a date as ever. It is a frame, a time frame which you are moving within and the energies are there.

They have been given to all of you. Now this reference to a third will ascend, well, might I even suggest that a third of you - at least a third of you - have already been flowing in and out of the Ascension portal.

So it is to those who are awake, aware and ready, they can say, “Alright, I have my party dress on or my party slacks on. I can go forward.” But  let me be clear.  You aren’t going anywhere. You’re upon Gaia for the Ascension process. You’re ascending within your form.

Now what we guide you to pay attention, my sweet ascenders, to the expansion of your awareness, of your heart, of the knowing of love, the knowing and understanding of wisdom, of how things truly work and proceed. So it is an opening within that also expresses in the without, in the collective and in your very life.

So is it a moment in time when there is a snap? We would suggest not. The ignition has already been turned on but the value - because we do not wish to nay-say in any form these wonderful channels who have brought this information forward, in their guidance - is to give human beings that indicator that they so long (1)

This material is copyright by Linda Dillon and the Council of Love 2015, Inc., and is used with permission.

(1) "An Hour With An Angel ~ Sanat Kumara on the Process of Ascension," Sept. 17, 2015, at

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Brazilian -- 28 DE SETEMBRO - ONDA X Por Steve Beckow



Por Steve Beckow

Se há algo que ninguém por aqui quer falar, é datas.

Qualquer um que já tenha indicado uma data para algum evento, ascensão, divulgação, reavaliação de moedas, qualquer que seja, não tem acontecido. A média de bola fora é total.

Agora, temos uma quantidade grande de pessoas que estão indicando a data de 28 de setembro de 2015 para acontecer a primeira onda de ascensão. Eu estou certamente jogando o jogo. Vou me manter aberto à possibilidade, mas também prometo não reclamar mais tarde se isso não acontecer.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Steve Beckow op 13 september ’15 Ascentie en de Revaluatie (Opwaardering)

Steve Beckow op 13 september ’15  Ascentie en de Revaluatie (Opwaardering) 
By Steve Beckow  

Wat een interessante serie aanwijzingen is ons gegeven.
Ons is verteld dat de eerste golf van Ascentie in het schema staat voor 28 september en de Reval(Evaluatie of Opwaardering) kan gebeuren in de tijd na 14 september …Hmmm
Hoe passen die twee bij elkaar?
Het verbindende stuk, voor mij is het begrip van spirituele looptijd/valuta.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Linda Dillon, le 5 septembre 2015

Durant le concile de l’Amour au cours de la conférence téléphonique, nous avons été inspirés durant notre conversation par les réfugiés Syriens et le rôle que joue l’Etat Islamique (ISIS) sur la scène internationale. Après beaucoup de discussions, nous avons pris la décision de les aider sur la 13ème Octave sacrée de la Paix et de l’Amour de l’Un. Se qui s’est passé est fort. Voudriez-vous vous joindre à nous pour cette méditation de guérison et la faire passer ?

Monday, September 7, 2015

Romîna -- Refugiati: Meditatie de Pace

Refugiati: Meditatie de Pace

În cadrul Conciliului de Iubire de Simbata a Conferintei de Apel, am avut o conversatie inspiratoare cu privire la refugiatii Sirieni, si rolul pe care ISIS îl joaca pe scena mondiala. Noi am luat masuri sa ajutam sa mergem la cea de-a 13ª Octava sacra, si sa împartasim Pacea si Iubirea din Inima lui Unu. Ceea ce a avut loc este puternic. Doriti sa va alaturati noua îmbratisînd aceasta meditatie si sa o transferati lui?

Aceasta este o meditatie de a aduce pe toti acei care sufera, în orice forma, de refugiat Sirian, sau de situatie de emigrant. Daca vreti sa va gînditi la toti acei care asteapta în Turcia, despre cei 17.000, care asteapta la bordul navelor; toti acei care calatoresc din Siria în Turcia, toti acei care încearca sa treaca din Ungaria catre Germania, toti acei care calatoresc în frica si disperare, nu prea stiu ce se afla în fata lor, dar stiind ceea se se afla în spatele lor.

Linda Dillon -- Refugees: A Peace Meditation

Refugees: A Peace Meditation

During the Council of Love Saturday Conference Call, we had an inspiring conversation about the Syrian refugees and the role that ISIS is playing on the world stage. We took action to help by going to the sacred 13th Octave and sharing Peace and Love from the heart of One. What occurred is powerful. Won’t you join us in embracing this healing meditation and in passing it on?

This is is a meditation to bring all those who are suffering, in any form, by the Syrian refugee or migration situation. So I want you to think of all those waiting in Turkey, about 17,000, waiting to board ships; all those who are traveling from Syria to Turkey, all those who are trying to get through Hungary to Germany, all those traveling in fear and desperation not really knowing what lies ahead but knowing what lies behind.

I want you to take those thousands and thousands and thousands of people and let’s put them in the center of our circle. And together, put your fingertips together and feel James and Archangel Michael join us as they begin to guide us to the 13th Octave.

And today they don’t take us to our sacred space, they take us to the mosques, to the temples, to the churches, where so many are cowering and collecting and living in fear. . . . Dear Mother/Father One, Michael Gabriel, Yeshua, St. Germaine, all the mighty ones who accompany us, Mohammad, we give thanks for the opportunity to participate in this conjoining and to anchor community, Love and peace on Earth, on sweet Gaia, right now.

We step forward as the light-holders, the light-bearers, the wayshowers, and we commit our hearts, our souls, our bodies, our missions to the anchoring of peace within and peace without and peace for all people. Please guide us and show us the way. We’re at your service.

Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

NEDERLANDS -- Steve Beckow: Aartsengel Michaël over Keuze en Goddelijkheid.

Steve Beckow: Aartsengel Michaël over Keuze en Goddelijkheid.
September 4, 2015 By Steve Beckow

Michael 23
Ik vroeg Aartsengel Michaël, zoals ik zo vaak doe, wat hij wilde dat ik schreef voor de volgende drie weken. Zijn discussie over het onderwerp van keuze was zo interessant, en blijft zolang in mijn hoofd rammelen, dat ik dit gesprek wilde delen als een geheel.
Hij wijst op een keuze om een veel diepere betekenis te hebben dan we die gewoonlijk geven. Dank aan Dana voor onze transcriptie.
Aartsengel Michaël: Deel van de vreugde [om mens te zijn], en voor misschien een van de dingen die je wilt onderzoeken, is dit een zaak van keuze.

Waarom, in dit hele rijk van de vrije wil, in een situatie die totaal ontworpen is voor de vervulling van de wensen van de Moeder, is ons een dergelijke myriaden aan keuzes gegeven?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mandarin---The Mother's Tsunami of Love -- Reaching New Heights!




Monday, May 18, 2015

Tsunami of Love - Reaching New Heights with Universal Mother Mary by Linda Dillon

Tsunami of Love - Reaching New Heights with Universal Mother Mary
Council of Love Saturday Conference Call 05-16-15

Greetings, I am Mary, I am Mare’, Universal Mother, Mother of Love, Mother of change, Mother of constancy, Mother of the infinite, eternal you. Welcome my beloved children, my sweet angels of light, my sweet angels of Love. Welcome.

And yes, I come this day to speak of the Third Wave of my Tsunami of Love for there is not simply rain coming from your skies; it comes from my heart, my essence, my core, my being, directly into yours. Think of the Tsunami in many ways for each of you has unique capacity to visualize. But it also travels upon our umbilical cord, our umbilical cord from mine to yours, for your umbilical chakra is the area and the center, the energy center where you are not only connecting to the Divine Feminine energy but you are also eliminating. It is your chakra, unique, for this process of elimination and eliminating, sweet angels, anything in any realm, in any form, in any vibration; to let go of what does not serve thee.

So, understand my Tsunami does not merely come to you through the front of your body. In fact, many of you are somewhat resistant at times and you cling to what you know…and I do not say that in way of criticism…you do this to help yourself anchor in body, in form, upon Gaia.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Français -- La troisième vague du Tsunami de l’Amour by Linda Dillon

La troisième vague du Tsunami de l’Amour

Ce qui est différent, c’est l’intensité avec laquelle vous et moi, nous approchons ce flux d’énergie ; c’est l’énergie de mon Amour, c’est l’énergie de ma persévérance, c’est l’énergie qui est mon intention que vous soyez élevés. Je n’arrêterai pas cette Troisième Vague jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit achevée. Laissez-moi… avec vous, terminer cette transformation de l’Ascension. Il n’y a pas de retour en arrière.

Salutations, Je suis Marie, la Mère Universelle, Mère du changement, Mère de la constance, Mère de l’espérance, Mère de la promesse. Bienvenus mes chers cœurs, enfants de mon cœur, filles et fils de mon âme, bienvenue à nouveau dans ce Conseil, Mon Conseil de l’Amour dans lequel chacun d’entre vous est partie intégrante, pas simplement en tant que membre d’honneur, mais comme membre à part entière, et participant.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Third Wave of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love by Linda Dillon


The Third Wave of the Mother’s Tsunami of Love

What is different is the intensity with which I and you and we approach this energy flow; it is the energy of my Love, it is the energy of my persistence, it is the energy of my intention that you be raised up. I will not stop this Third Wave until all is completed. Allow me to, with you...finish this transformation of Ascension. There is no turning back. 

“Greetings, I am Mary, Universal Mother, Mother of change, Mother of constancy, Mother of hope, Mother of fulfillment. Welcome my dear hearts, children of my heart, daughters and sons of my soul, welcome yet again to this Council, to my Council of Love, of which each and every one of you are part and parcel, not merely honorary members but full members, full participants.

“I come this day to speak to you of my Tsunami of Love that you may understand just how persistent a mother I am. I do not waver in my intention in the fulfillment of my plan and your plan within that plan. And yes, I bring thee, I bring all of this planet, what you are calling and what I agree to call ‘the Third Wave of the Tsunami of Love’. Let me discuss with you, my sweet angels, what this energy is. Is it substantially different than the Tsunami that you have worked with in this past year? The answer is ‘No. My energy, my Love is simply that.’

“What is different, my beloved ones, is the intensity with which I and you and we approach this energy flow. And that is why I speak to and refer to my persistence… I will not stop this third wave until all is completed and I do not simply mean the cleansing. Is there cleansing in core issues to be resolved? Yes and I will only refer to this because what I really wish to speak of is this energy of this Tsunami; it is the energy of my Love, it is the energy of my persistence, it is the energy of my intention that you be raised up. I will push you, I will pull you, I will fill you, I will lift you, I will elevate you, not only until you are on top of the highest peak of every continent but until you are high enough and elevated enough that you are standing, existing, right next to me as I am right next to you; with your angelic family, with the ascended masters, with the archangels, with the seraphim. You are divine.”

Channeled by Linda Dillon  
Saturday Conference Call 04−18−15 
© 2015 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Nederlands -- Leiderschap Zit in de Lucht – Deel 1 en 2 by Steve Beckow

Leiderschap Zit in de Lucht – Deel 1 en 2
April 6, 2015 Door Steve Beckow 
Leadership 11

Ik heb juist een gesprek gehad met Aartsengel Michaël, via Linda Dillon, die indruk maakte. Deze conversaties zijn echt meer en meer absorberend. Ik zal zien welk stuk van de transcriptie ik kan posten. 
Dit gebeurde omdat ik zelf een sterke en bijna onweerstaanbare druk voel in de richting van leiderschap. 
Dit is vreemd voor me omdat ik altijd de jongste in de familie was en ik mezelf nooit in die  rol heb gezien. Mijn broer is een leider en ik heb altijd de voorkeur gegeven aan de rol van luitenant. 
Maar in al de jaren werd ik gewaarschuwd dat leiderschap verwacht werd. Hier zijn bijvoorbeeld mijn gidsen die via Andrea Scully spreken:
“Er is een nieuwe weg voor alles in deze tijd en de uittdagingen zijn zodanig dat de oude ideeën over relaties van allerlei soorten kunnen en zullen worden afgeworpen om nieuwe wegen van zijn te creëren…

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Français -- Al Baghdadi fait un rêve où Mahomet lui dit : « Quittez Mossoul » -- by Steve Beckow

Al Baghdadi fait un rêve où Mahomet lui dit : « Quittez Mossoul »

Steve Beckow, le 16 mars 2015 (The Golden Age of Gaïa)

 The 2012 Scenario 20150316 Al Baghdadi fait un rêve où Mahomet lui dit : « Quittez Mossoul ». Par Steve Beckow, le 16 mars 2015

Al Baghdadi, alias l’agent du Mossad Simon Eliot, en compagnie de John McCain, une des marionnettes de la cabale. Photo de droite prise en 2013 à la frontière turco-syrienne.

Il y a un moment de cela, je vous ai dit que j’étais confiant que les entités célestes apporteraient la paix au monde parce que je connaissais leur stratégie. Mais je n’ai pas pu en discuter à l’époque.

Puis plus tard l’Archange Michaël l’a révélée : les entités célestes et Mahomet apparaîtraient aux militants de l’Etat Islamique, leur parleraient, et même feraient entendre leur voix à l’intérieur d’eux pour leur demander de déposer les armes.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Nederlands -- Steve Beckow in een Uur met een Engel en Sanat Kumara 15febr19 -- Deel 2 van 2

 We Overweldigen Degenen die Willen Beschadigen door een Grotere Vrede van Binnen te Verankeren. Deel 2 van 2 (het eerste deel was een gesprek tussen de leden en heb ik niet vertaald)                                                                     

archangel michaelSteve Beckow: Okay, nou waarom ontspan je je niet en maak je de overgang, Linda, en terwijl je dat doet introduceer ik Sanat Kumara voor iemand die hem niet kent. De enige reden is dat het nieuwe luisteraars zouden zijn.
Sanat Kumara, denk ik, blijft onze Planetaire Logos, de positie waarvan ik denk dat die overgaat naar die van Meester Kuthumi op een bepaald moment en Sanat zal dan de Zonne Logos zijn.
Hij is bekend in alle wereldse religies als de Oude van Dagen, Ahuramazda, Skandha, Subramanya, Quetzalcoatl, Dipamkara, de Lampontstker Boeddha en nog meer. Vandaag zullen we met Raj praten, zo wil hij graag worden genoemd, over het onderwerp spirituele uitputting van mensen die hier heel, heel lang aan mee hebben gedaan en die misschien voelen dat hun stuwkracht vertraagt.

The Declaration of Human Freedom

The Declaration of Human Freedom

Every being is a divine and eternal soul living in a temporal body. Every being was alive before birth and will live after death.

Every soul enters into physical life for the purpose of experience and education, that it may, in the course of many lifetimes, learn its true identity as a fragment of the Divine.

Life itself is a constant process of spiritual evolution and unfoldment, based on free choice, that continues until such time as we realize our true nature and return to the Divine from which we came.

No soul enters life to serve another, except by choice, but to serve its own purpose and that of the Divine from which it came.

All life is governed by natural and universal laws which precede and outweigh the laws of humanity. These laws, such as the law of karma, the law of attraction, and the law of free will, are decreed by God to order existence and assist each person to achieve life’s purpose.

No government can or should survive that derives its existence from the enforced submission of its people or that denies its people their basic rights and freedoms.

Life is a movement from one existence to another, in varied venues throughout the universe and in other universes and dimensions of existence. We are not alone in the universe but share it with other civilizations, most of them peace-loving, many of whom are more advanced than we are, some of whom can be seen with our eyes and some of whom cannot.

The evidence of our five senses is not the final arbiter of existence. Humans are spiritual as well as physical entities and the spiritual side of life transcends the physical. God is a Spirit and the final touchstone of God’s Truth is not physical but spiritual. The Truth is to be found inward.

God is one and, because of this, souls are one. They form a unity. They are meant to live in peace and harmony together in a “common unity” or community. The use of force to settle affairs runs contrary to natural law. Every person should have the right to conduct his or her own affairs without force, as long as his or her choices do not harm another.

No person shall be forced into marriage against his or her will. No woman shall be forced to bear or not bear children, against her will. No person shall be forced to hold or not hold views or worship in a manner contrary to his or her choice. Nothing vital to existence shall be withheld from another if it is within the community’s power to give.

Every person shall retain the ability to think, speak, and act as they choose, as long as they not harm another. Every person has the right to choose, study and practice the education and career of their choice without interference, provided they not harm another.

No one has the right to kill another. No one has the right to steal from another. No one has the right to force himself or herself upon another in any way.

Any government that harms its citizens, deprives them of their property or rights without their consent, or makes offensive war upon its neighbors, no matter how it misrepresents the situation, has lost its legitimacy. No government may govern without the consent of its people. All governments are tasked with seeing to the wellbeing of their citizens. Any government which forces its citizens to see to its own wellbeing without attending to theirs has lost its legitimacy.

Men and women are meant to live fulfilling lives, free of want, wherever they wish and under the conditions they desire, providing their choices do not harm another and are humanly attainable.

Children are meant to live lives under the beneficent protection of all, free of exploitation, with unhindered access to the necessities of life, education, and health care.

All forms of exploitation, oppression, and persecution run counter to universal and natural law. All disagreements are meant to be resolved amicably.

Any human law that runs counter to natural and universal law is invalid and should not survive. The enactment or enforcement of human law that runs counter to natural and universal law brings consequences that cannot be escaped, in this life or another. While one may escape temporal justice, one does not escape divine justice.

All outcomes are to the greater glory of God and to God do we look for the fulfillment of our needs and for love, peace, and wisdom. So let it be. Aum/Amen.

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